How Does Winter Weather Affect Trucks?

How Does Winter Weather Affect Trucks?

As everyone's mind begins to move towards winter, it is especially important that truck drivers take this time to become familiar with the challenges they may face on Maryland roadways as the weather turns colder. If you drive a truck, understanding how snow and ice impact your vehicle and how you drive becomes very important to keeping yourself and others safe when you drive.

Smart-Trucking explains that winter driving requires more control and better skills. Seasoned truckers often do not struggle, but if you are a new driver, it requires extra concentration to avoid an accident. You need to be on top of your safety skills and aware at all times. Winter is not a time for distracted driving. Good decision-making skills and the ability to make decisions fast are essential skills for this time of year.

Keep in mind that winter driving requires extra stop time. You probably already increase your distance between other vehicles, but in winter, increase it even more. Make sure that you try to maintain a clear area on all sides of your vehicle. This gives you extra room for moving and reacting to the weather or hazards on the roadway. Remember that your visibility and traction are reduced when roads are snowy or icy.

When you do stop, make sure to never use the jack break on ice. In addition, only use your foot brake if your rig is straight on the road. If you try to break when your trailer is not straight, you increase the risks of it swinging around.

Even if you are driving safely, you have to watch out for other drivers who may not be. So, do not increase your speed or following distance because you feel you can handle the roads. You never know what another driver may do. This information is for education and is not legal advice.


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