Maryland truck drivers have a quota to meet, and they work tirelessly to do just that. But did you know that sacrificing sleep can have negative or even fatal repercussions equal to what one might expect from drunk driving?
The National Sleep Foundation shows that drowsy driving is actually just as dangerous as driving while under the influence. In fact, 24 hours without sleep can result in behavior similar to what's expected when someone's blood alcohol content level is at .10 or higher. Both imbibing substances and lacking sleep can affect your body and mind in similar ways. For example, you will have difficulty concentrating in either scenario. You may swerve, speed up, slow down, or change lanes recklessly
Falling asleep at the wheel is also a huge danger of drowsy driving. This can have a similar impact as distracted driving, as it takes your attention away from the road for a period of time. Remember that taking your eyes from the road for just a few seconds can result in you traveling the distance of entire football fields. You may not notice someone braking in front of you in time, or you could speed up without realizing you're doing so, and crash into other vehicles.
Distracted driving and driving under the influence are both treated seriously and acknowledged as huge dangers on the road. Similarly, drowsy driving should be considered dangerous and steps should be taken to combat it. If you feel yourself nodding off while driving, preventative measures can be taken to avoid a worst-case scenario.